Last updated 6 May 2024
Share price
Intraday chart
Capital structure
LSE AIM ticker | ORCA |
Capital Structure | Number of Shares | Percentage |
Issued share capital | 79,000,412 | 100% |
Shares in issue but not in public hands | 33,129,643 | 41.9% |
Free float | 45,870,769 | 58.1% |
Directors and Significant shareholders | Number of Shares | Percentage |
Stephen Brown and his wife, Julia Cane-Honeysett | 29,164,683 | 36.9% |
RAB Capital Holdings Ltd and connected parties | 6,910,000 | 8.8% |
Greg and Nora Harding | 7,049,695 | 8.9% |
Alan Hume | 3,544,960 | 4.5% |
Joe Darby | 420,000 | 0.5% |
The shares owned by Stephen Brown and his wife Julia Cane-Honeysett are held via Ferlim Nominees Limited, and the shares held by Alan Hume are held via W B Nominees Limited.