Orcadian Energy (AIM: ORCA), the low-emissions North Sea oil and gas development company is delighted to announce that Steve Brown, CEO, will be presenting at the Mello2022 investor conference on Thursday 26th May 2022, to be held at the Clayton Hotel Chiswick, Chiswick High Road, London, W4 5RY.
Orcadian Energy (AIM: ORCA), is delighted to present its final report into Central North Sea electrification, which has now been delivered to the North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA, previously known as the Oil and Gas Authority or the OGA) and operators of facilities in the Central North Sea. “Orcadian’s Microgrid Concept” for the electrification of oil and gas platforms aims to dramatically cut carbon emissions, ensuring that the oil and gas that features in our future energy mix is as sustainable as possible.
Orcadian Energy (AIM:ORCA), the North Sea focused, low emissions, oil and gas development company, is pleased to announce an extension to Phase ‘A’ of Licence P2320 and a resource update.
Phase ‘A’ of Licence P2320 extended to 14th May 2023 with the Initial Term also being extended to 14th November 2024
Company has completed a new interpretation of the recently reprocessed seismic data, licensed from TGS in July 2021
Company estimates that the development area oil-in-place, for Pilot, will increase by about 10% to 15%, compared to the previously estimated and audited volume
Orcadian Energy (AIM: ORCA), the North Sea focused oil and gas development company, is delighted to announce its unaudited results for the six months ended 31 December 2021.
Activity Focus:
To improve the technical and commercial definition of the Pilot development project
To finance the Pilot development project
To explore every avenue to maximise the value in our satellite discoveries and prospects
To propose a practical means to electrify the Central North Sea (“CNS”) and to develop a business model enabling Orcadian to benefit from this work
Orcadian Energy (AIM: ORCA), the North Sea focused oil and gas development company, announces that at the Company’s AGM held earlier today that all of the resolutions proposed in the Notice of Meeting were duly passed by a poll vote.
The Company was notified today that on 17 December 2021 Stephen Brown, a director of the Company and his wife, Julia Cane-Honeysett, have transferred their entire holding of ordinary shares in the Company to a third party nominee, Ferlim Nominees Limited, for nil consideration.
Orcadian Energy (AIM: ORCA), the North Sea focused oil and gas development company, announces that it has today posted to Shareholders its report and accounts for the period ended 30 June 2021 (see announcement of 16 December 2021) and also dispatched the Notice of its Annual General Meeting of the Company (the “AGM” or “Annual General Meeting”).
Orcadian Energy (AIM: ORCA), the North Sea focused oil and gas development company, is delighted to announce its audited results for the twelve months ended 30 June 2021.
Orcadian Energy (AIM: ORCA), the North Sea focused oil and gas development company, is delighted to announce that following a competitive process it has been selected by the Oil and Gas Authority (“OGA”) to evaluate an approach to the electrification of North Sea oil and gas platforms which will dramatically cut carbon emissions.
Orcadian Energy (AIM: ORCA), the North Sea focused oil and gas development company, is delighted to announce that it has received a “Letter of no objection” from the Oil and Gas Authority (“OGA”) in respect of the development concept for the Pilot field. This letter signals the finalisation of the “Assessment phase” and the entry into the “Authorisation phase” of development planning for the Pilot Field.